Pop...Goes My Heart!
In the words of Hott Porter (aka Scott Porter of Friday Night Lights fame) and Hugh Grant, definitely had a crushing moment this past Friday.
Let's start with previous Friday first, as it set a precedence. Again, I marked that evening with a similar routine of going to WeHo and patronizing my usual spots of Rage, Fiesta Cantina and The Abbey (and not particularly in that order). But what makes this night different, from all the other nights, is that I took my Lil Bro from my fraternity with me. Or rather, he finally came to hang out cause he was already nearby in Pasadena. And thankfully to that right, I nearly had an uneventful night but the Lil Bro saved it and still wanted to go out! Thankfully! So we popped his WeHo cherry and I took him to the usual watering holes: a mojito at the Abbey, good eats and too many drinks at Fiesta Cantina, and dancing the rest of the night away at Rage. The only spotty instance was at Fiesta Cantina, with the waiter totally ignoring our existance for 15 minutes, but lucky for myself and my Lil Bro, Billy came to our rescue despite risking getting in trouble for getting us drinks. Thank you Billy! ;) Our night got better, as we ran into several people we knew at Rage and proceeded to dance it up with them for the rest of the evening. Unfortunately, my Lil Bro had work in the morning so we called it an early night.
Fast forward to this Friday, again a similar night, but not so similiar in many instances. On the drive down that evening, I called Dandy and found out they weren't leaving for a whole 'nother 45 minutes later (it was 9:30PM at the time) because their ride was not yet off from work (met the bloke later, he was a sweet guy in his fourth year of college...wow, I feel old!!! :T). I then proceeded to call Lil Bro who thankfully decidedly came out to party again that evening. I get there early and wait for my Lil Bro. I debated whether on venturing alone or waiting for him to arrive; I chose the latter. With not much to do til then, I called around and tried to catch up with people since, as of late, I've been really bad at doing so. After a good half hour of this, Lil Bro arrived and we proceeded to make our rounds: first to Rage for $12 wristbands; next off to The Abbey where I proceeded to down an Irish Car Bomb; then to Fiesta Cantina for the 2 for 1's and some munchies. Billy was there as usual, but the first floor was crowded, so we made our way up to the second floor and we find Jesse, the other cute waiter at Fiesta Cantina...waaaaay cuter than Billy I might add. As a matter of fact here's a pic of Jesse and I from a few weeks back:
Jesse definitely worked hard for the money this evening! He checked on us often, which I appreciated...He's amazing! I slipped him my business card along with our check. He totally deserved the huge tip I gave him. Thanks Jesse ;) By this time, finally, The Crush and Dandy made it over to Fiesta. And we chatted it up. Dandy was quite drunk and so was The Crush. Can someone call me a pirate cause I was searching for treasure all over The Crush's body. So, some back story on The Crush...remember way back when I had a helicopter ride last October? Well that's the crush who graciously took me 1,000 feet into the air. I found out days before that he's come out of the closet; which was much to my elation! Unfortunately, in the end, I had no affect on him...more on that in a second. We make our way to Rage and try to dance, but Dandy and friends wanna go to The Abbey, so Lil Bro and I oblige. We make our way back over again and I continued to have my hands all over The Crush during the trek. There were definitely some other lookers in Dandy's gaggle of friends, in particular Peter; cute asian guy who had an amazing personality. Too bad he has a boyfriend (such is my luck). We continue to drink at The Abbey where I added to my drink list a Mind Eraser (along with what I had previously of the Irish Car Bomb, Margarita with Petron [which was REALLY strong] and finally the two Amaretto sours). We hung around a bit and much to my dismay, The Crush was busy texting his ex who was also in the area and was proceeding to Rage as we lounged at The Abbey. We all finally finished up and headed back to Rage at 1:15AM-ish. We get there and The Crush proceeds to hook back up with his ex. HIS EX!!! And I emphasize, his Ex. Dandy did warn me that he even tried to get with The Crush without much luck; so for me to try was definitely futile as Dandy is a beautiful piece of man. He's gorgeous! Anyways haha...Cut to the end, the evening ended with Dandy getting friendly with a friend of his and The Crush embracing/teeth cleaning his ex. UGH! As the Lil Bro said, "This is awkward." Most definitely!!!As far as the rest of the weekend, caught Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on the movie studio lot, which was amazing! Thanks to friend from NY for hanging out and catching up over a free movie. Also went to visit a friend who worked on the lot before we all parted ways. And the rest of last night was catching up with ESJ as we haven't chatted online like we did last night and it was nice. I missed him. Not to mention amongst other things! ;) haha...Okay I better get showered. Parents wanna grab lunch before I shove off early this afternoon. Talk to you bitches soon! :P
P.S. That first picture is of Patrick Wilson since I was watching Little Children. And the bottom picture is of Scott "Hott" Porter and Hugh Grant in Music and Lyrics which I also managed to watch.
1 comment:
Patrick Wilson is just yummy. Good blog entry. You are a good writer. Keep it up.
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