Sunday, October 14, 2007

Only in the valley...

As some of you may or may not know, I live in the valley, or it's other moniker is that it is the porn capital of the world (not sure if that still stands in this day and age). Anyway, I have a point for this post.

Yesterday afternoon, I was at Costco to pick up a perscription for some medicine and got back to my car. Sure, normal; yes. I pulled out of my spot and start to make my way out to the exit to meet up with my The Crush (story on that later). I start to pass this blue car, I think it was a Honda Civic and noticed the guy...he looked really familiar. As I continue to fixate my gaze on this guy who had the most handsome features I begin to realize I have seen him before...he's a gay porn star!!! I unfortunately did not snap a picture of him while he was on the phone in his car, but if I'm right, this is him:

Johnny Castle (Brock), himself!!! I swear it was him! I'm really, really good (and notorious) for picking out famous people or what have you out in public and I swear I saw him! Those same features and scruffy jaw line, I swear it was him. He is HOT!!! Maybe I should have gone back and parked and followed him into the store for confirmation...but, alas I had to get to the mall to meet with The Crush...



Anonymous said...

Brock who?
Who is this person? What would I have seen him in?
How on earth can you recognise porn stars in the parking lot. That's very observant!

Anonymous said...

Wow, did he look washed up or was he good looking? I guess gay porn stars are people too! Good eye.